Saturday, May 15, 2010

Early years at the workplace

Life at the workplace has been a lot of fun, and hard work too. When it is work you enjoy - you love the days of non-stop work. I remember the times we finished work at 12 midnight, and then went for a night stay, at a friend who lived near office, as getting back home at that unearthly hour was not possible. This was the time before radio taxis existed and offices did not offer pick/drop facility! But the excitement of working nights in the office and the high it gave us, is something one always remembers.

One remembers the major faux pas made too, during the initial years. Having just got my Marketing degree under my arm, and being a snoot for all sales related stuff, i was interviewing with a company as a fresher. They had both the Marketing and the Sales director on the interview board. During the course of conversation I was asked by the Director sales, why i preferred marketing over sales, while he quoted himself as having had a great time in his sales tenure, I promptly replied, 'Oh! I think sales is a brainless job'. Well...! I still remember his rather stunned look at my nonchalant dismissal!

Anyway...yes I did get the job, and to keep the record straight I must add he was the most aristocratic and wonderful Sales Director I have ever met till date!

(Also read my blog on Career Guidance - tips on interviews, resume writing, career building and more.)